U.S. Navy School Detachment Billeting

All Sailors attending courses at DINFOS will check in with the Naval Technical Training Center Detachment DINFOS, Fort Meade, Building 8479 6th Armored Calvary Road by COB on their first day of class. The detachment is located one block downhill from the Freedom Hall galley on 6th Armored Cavalry Road. Students arriving after normal working hours will report to the Command Duty Officer for room assignment and report to the Military Training Instructors (MTI's) at 0700 hours the next working day. All personnel residing in the Navy barracks will receive a student handbook that outlines Navy rules and regulations during their stay onboard.

A School Students

All A school students reporting aboard, regardless from Recruit Training Command or elsewhere, are considered Permanent Change of Station (PCS) and will reside in the Barracks, be issued a Meal Card with corresponding meal deductions against their Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) entitlement, and receive Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) at the Partial rate if single, or Dependent rate if married or sole custody of children.
If married prior to entering the Navy, the government will pay for transportation expenses and household goods shipment to relocate your dependents to Fort Meade. If married after arrival, Fort Meade Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) rate will start on the date of marriage, with Family Separation Allowance (FSA), type “R”, starting the day the new spouse departs the duty station area.


C School Students

All C school students are advised not to report earlier than the report no earlier than (RNET) date in their orders; Per Diem will not be paid (no room reimbursement will be made) prior to that date. Senior Officers (O-4 and Senior) check-in process will be conducted in their classrooms.

Temporary Duty en Route (PCS) Sailors
Fort Meade was privatized 1 May, 2013. PCS students will check in for quarters at Candlewood Suites, 4690 Cooper Avenue, (410) 674-7700. It is located on the Corner of Mapes and Cooper roads. Please call him two weeks prior to your course to determine availability of quarters.

If Candlewood Suites is not available, you will then be authorized off-post quarters. Certificates of Non-Availability (CNA) numbers are not required. 

If you have any questions, please call the Admin Officer Mr. Ronnie Washington, (301) 677-5112, or e-mail him at rwashington@dinfos.edu.