DINFOS instructors are tasked as-needed (and as available) to meet customer requests. Military units and government organizations may request mobile training teams from DINFOS to train, coach and advise members of their organizations in basic, intermediate and advanced public affairs and visual information skills. DINFOS strives to support all MTT requests; however, as instructor resources are pulled from our in-resident training, requesters should be flexible in requesting dates. Reserve and National Guard units are also welcome. MTTs can be scheduled for drill weekends and/or annual training events.
Note: When travel is required for a requested MTT, the requesting unit(s) are responsible to fund the event.
Since its onset, DINFOS mobile training teams have supported various operations, exercises and units around the globe. Combatant Commanders should request MTTs for foreign governments within their area of responsibility (AOR), by using their respective military Service Training Office, which then contacts the Security Assistance Officer (SAO) at the American Embassy within your AOR. The SAO coordinates all such training requests with the appropriate U.S. military Service counterpart, i.e., the Air Force Security Assistance Team (AFSAT), the Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity (NETSATFA) or the Security Assistance Training Field Activity (SATFA) for the Army. The only exceptions are Canada, Mexico and Russia, whose requests should be worked through their Embassy.
Reimbursement costs will incur, and the entire coordination process must be started at least two months prior to the required start date. The procedure is as follows:
1) Requesting organization(s) must officially request a DINFOS MTT by contacting the DINFOS MTT program coordinator via email at pacs-mtt@dinfos.edu.
2) Requesters should allow 10 working days for the MTT staff to begin dialogue on the feasibility of support that will meet their concept/scope of requested support.
For more information about the MTT program, reach out to Ms. Mel Weatherspoon the MTT program manager at pacs-mtt@dinfos.edu or call 443-864-9216.
In addition to the MTT program, DINFOS now offers an extensive knowledge base of trusted resources related to DoD PA/VI that is accessible, searchable and available 24/7. PAVILION, is a 24/7 eLearning learning and reference site for the fleet and field that further expands the DINFOS mission and covers a full range of subjects and tasks.