Sergeant Major (retired) William C. Armstrong
Sergeant Major (retired) William C. Armstrong, a native of Washington, Pennsylvania and entered the Army in November 1989 and retired after nearly 30 years of service on Aug. 1, 2019.
Sergeant Major Armstrong graduated from basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Advanced Individual Training at the Defense Visual Information School at Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado.
SGM Armstrong served as a Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Operations NCOIC, and eventually the First Sergeant of the 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera), the only active-duty combat camera (COMCAM) unit in the U. S. Army. He deployed as a COMCAM Team Leader to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) 1 in 2002 with the 101st Airborne Division (AASLT), where his team most notably documented the assault that killed Saddam Hussein’s son’s in Mosul, Iraq. For his valor, dedication, and devotion during OIF 1 he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. He also led a COMCAM Team to document Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana in 2005.
In 2009 SGM Armstrong was awarded the Bronze Order of Mercury for his demonstrated high standards of integrity, moral character, professional competence and selflessness, and who have contributed significantly to the promotion of the Signal Corps and the Signal Corps Regimental Association.
SGM Armstrong graduated from the U. S. Army Sergeants’ Major Academy in July 2012. In 2013 he has assigned to the Office Chief of Signal at the U. S. Army Signal School at Fort Gordon, Georgia as the Senior Visual Information (VI) Career Manager. He led the Signal Regiment’s actions to merge two Visual Information MOSs, the 25M-Graphic Illustrator and the 25V-Combat Documentation Specialist. He was part of the initial development and planning framework for the consolidation of Visual Information and Public Affairs functions.
As the Senior Visual Information (VI) Career Manager he provided key and crucial input that helped with the Department of Defense and the Defense Information Schools creation of the Mass Communication Foundations (MCF) Courses for graphics, photography, and videography. That input helped shape the initial pilot course of the MCF. SGM Armstrong was the Signal Regiment and U. S. Army’s voting representative for all actions for the MCF.
Sergeant Major Armstrong has deployed five times during his career, Desert Shield/Storm in Iraq, Operation Restore Hope in Somalia, Operation Iraqi Freedom 1 in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Sergeant Major Armstrong holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management, both from Trident University.